Diocesan Projects Updates
Bishop Mtekateka Secondary School is one of the Diocesan Secondary School that is serving both the urban and rural community. The school has an outstanding pass record in the whole district of Nkhotakota as well as the entire Education Division which covers a total of five political districts. Further to that the school has a track record of providing quality education and producing excellent results at Malawi School Certificate of Education equivalent to GCE. During this school year the institution has been facing critical water supply water and this posed a great threat to lives of students at the school, hence the Diocese sources financial support from Malawi Association for Christian Support (MACS) to construct a water borehole at the centre that would serve the school, lay training centre as well as the surrounding community. Prior to the borehole drilling, there was need to conduct geophysical assessment and analysis of water availability and quality.

Handover of the Functional Borehole
This was important an important exercise as it was to determine potential amounts of water available as well as the estimated depths at which the water could be found in the proposed drilling areas. The assessments were undertaken by an independent consultant in several areas around Bishop Mtekateka Secondary School as well as on three other boreholes which are near the institution to establish the water quality and availability in March, and the report was submitted in April, 2017. The second phase of the project commenced in July, 2017 and the project was executed within the agreed terms of contract agreement of two weeks, with a warranty period of twelve months from the initial date that the borehole would become functional. The Contractor also offered maintenance sessions to some technical persons within the institution to carry minor maintenance works.
Future Plans
The bore hole has already proved to be life-saving to the institution and community around when the district experienced three weeks of dry pipes. Thanks to MACS for the financial support to carry out geophysical assessments as well as the drilling of this borehole. Meanwhile plans are to connect the water point to two water tanks through submissive solar water pump. It is envisaged once this is finalized it will assist the institution to save a big budget line that was being spent on water bills. The water tanks have already been erected as part of institutional contribution.

Water tank